Class Announcements

03 April 2012

Bully Criticized for Ignoring Important Facts

The documentary has recently been under fire for leaving out key information, including the fact that Tyler Long, one of the key subjects of the film (who committed suicide) suffered from mental health problems. Emily Bazelon of Slate recently pointed out that "Tyler also suffered from ADHD, bipolar disorder, and Asperger’s syndrome; additionally, his girlfriend broke up with him a few weeks before his suicide. It seems likely that these factors contributed to Tyler’s decision to commit suicide". The film ignored these important facts, and blamed Tyler Long's suicide solely on the fact that he was bullied. This prompted a response by the film's producer Cynthia Lowen, who basically argued that the fact that Long had autism doesn't make to school system any less responsible for his death. Slate stands by its assertion that "the movie presents a one-sided and incomplete version of the events leading up to the suicide of Tyler Long".

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