Class Announcements

18 January 2012

Capitol Couture and More: Lionsgate Lets Fans Live the 'Hunger Games'

Fans of the anticipated Suzanne Collins phenomena will not be disappointed in the many interactive 'Hunger Games' sites now appearing throughout the web. Fans can virtually be a part of the Panem and Capitol worlds, with the newest option being Capitol Couture a website that allows you to get an inside look into Effie's eclectic wardrobe. Just enter the password #lookyourbest and you're granted access into the site.

Another option for fans includes a real life Hunger Games experience, in which fans are sorted into Districts, given a job, as well as an opportunity to be mayor of the District they have been delegated into. Notice as well that every site Lionsgate sets up in relation to the 'Hunger Games' uses the .pn address.

1 comment:

  1. I also came across similar information. The following link lead me to the interactive Hunger Games wesbite:

    It seems they've got quite a cult following...


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