Class Announcements

06 March 2012

Fans create unofficial new trailer for Disney's 'John Carter'

John Carter is set to be released this Friday and if you're like me you had no interest in seeing it based off of the marketing. As someone who knew nothing about the story, or it it's origins (apparently it's based on a super famous classic novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs), I was not at all intrigued by the trailer I saw during Superbowl. Honestly, I thought the movie looked like another stupid Disney action movie like I Am Number Four.

Evidently, I was not the only who was not impressed by the Superbowl trailer. Filmmakers Michael Sellers and Mark Linthicum were also disappointed by the Superbowl spot, and decided to create their own trailer that chronologically tells the story of how Civil War veteran John Carter ends up fighting in Mars.

Sellers is working on a documentary about Burroughs and is a huge fan of the John Carter series, even creating his own fan Web site The John Carter Files. Hopefully, Sellers' grass roots campaign can help the movie because according to the article the $250 million dollar blockbuster is only predicted to bring in about $30 million on opening weekend. The fan trailer definitely caused me to far more interested in seeing the film and seeing it theaters, since it does look very visually appealing.

Finally, to be fair to Disney, they have released on YouTube a 10 minute sneak preview of the film to generate interest, but I think it might too little too late.

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