Class Announcements

05 February 2012

The Most Annoying Promotional Tie-In Of All Time?

Unless you are a dog and Star Wars lover, this may just be the most annoying promotional tie-in for a movie ever.

Going off of last year's successful advertising campaign, Volkswagon will once again be launching a Star Wars-themed Super Bowl ad. With the release of Episode I just around the corner, there is likely some association between the two this time around.

If there isn't, a potentially obnoxious ad like this may turn people off from seeing the re-release of the film, despite the whole 3D gimmick.

1 comment:

  1. I agree this is a very bad ad. I just think a German car company should not use the storm troopers song from Star Wars to promote their company. German Nazi soldiers were referred too as storm troopers. Just not a good look....


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