Class Announcements

27 February 2012

How To Make The Oscars Not Suck

This article in The Huffington Post says what everyone is thinking...the 84th Academy Awards sucked. It asks the question "How does an industry that's completely geared towards pleasing the masses manage to create an awards show that's zero percent entertaining? We aren't sure, but somehow they did." It is strange that every Academy Awards ceremony of my recent memory has been awful, when so many talented people are involved with it. This article gives three ideas on how to improve the awards next year. Number 1: stop talking about dresses. This trend "takes everything the people (particularly the women) have worked for their entire careers and reduces it to something Mario Lopez could drink with a hot orange swirly straw." Unfortunately it has become no longer about what someone has achieved as an actor, it's about what they are wearing. Number two: explain technical awards to people who don't work in the film industry. It is understandably confusing to the average person what exactly "Art Direction" means. Number 3: make things less formal. Everyone seems on edge wearing bow ties and lavish dresses, which alienates anyone who isn't extremely wealthy. The article argues that "The people who are recognized should be just as accessible and diverse in thought and appearance as the characters from the stories we love."

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