Class Announcements

12 January 2012

Marketing The River

First of all, the website is a great example of how ABC is marketing The River. On the website you can see the clips, show schedule, cast, etc; however, the website also links viewers to twitter and text alerts.

This article talks about many shows, but around the middle of the article it talks about The River and their target audience. The article says that the show will be screened at theaters all over the country as well as college campuses in attempt to generate excitement for the show. ABC is marketing the show at young adults, probably because of Lost, X-Files and American Horror Story.

The River is suppose to have similarities to the X-Files as opposed to Lost. People perceive from the previews that The River will be the new lost, but producers say each episode in The River is a stand-alone episode and that the episodes cover different topics/things; it's more like X-Files. Here are the links that talk about the similarities and peoples' thoughts on the show. So I'm curious, this show that will be airing in less than a month, will they market it more like X-Files or Lost? Have they already started to do this?

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